
New title, same blog! I decided to change the title to make it more accessible to more people. A lot of people don’t know what EOE is (my other blog was hopeforeoe). This way, I can also reach people that are initially wanting dairy and gluten free ideas and helps:) Here’s a little about me:

I was diagnosed with EOE  in about 2008. I found out when I got chicken stuck on its’ way down my esophagus. EOE, in basic terms, is when your esophagus has an allergic reaction to food and possibly other unknown things. And because my esophagus was having these reactions for some time, my esophagus had become very narrow. Since that first ER visit, I have had some ups and downs. I have been doing an elimination diet for quite some time now.  I had done it before, but only for a couple weeks. I started again more seriously when my previous GI doctor told me only a swallowed steroid and ballooning my throat would be the way to handle this disease. Also, I almost couldn’t swallow when I ate something I shouldn’t have..finally the food went down and it was so scary….. I thought I would starve starting this elimination diet again! But this time, I needed to do it to get some answers, and what was only going to be a couple of months, has turned into a lot longer! I did an initial scope to see where things were at, then elminated foods. I added a couple in since top 8 and only after scoping with eoe counts low. I have Mast Cell Activation as well which is a whole other ball of problems that make my life interesting. I have many allergies to my outdoor environment and food allergies as well. My suggestion is you need a very good GI doctor who specializes in EOE and an allergy doctor who also works hand in hand with them. I see Dr Kathryn Peterson and Dr Rafael Firszt at the University of Utah hospital in SLC Utah. They are amazing. Eoe is a fairly new disease. I wanted to start a blog to share with anyone who might need a helping hand with some ideas for what to eat, when your whole world gets turned upside down. It is possible to eat well, to not starve, to be happy without the foods you have come to love. To live a life of meaning and full of food!  I am currently  off of gluten, dairy, all nuts(except almonds), pork, and coconut (right now…) I have been off of seafood, fish, soy, all nuts and eggs for periods of time for my elimination diet. I started by eliminating top 8 and pork because it showed up on a prick test long ago…I even traveled abroad eating like this and survived;) I wanted something different than just having budesonide(a swallowed steroid) when my throat became too tight…I have found success with a combination of elimating foods, and managing my many allergies and MCAS with medicines. I am in no means an expert on EOE, MCAS or a dietitian:) There is life after eliminating some foods! And even though I still miss eating some things, there are many things I have found to replace what used to be my staples. I will share recipes, ideas for products that I have found that I like, and anything I can think of that might help. I had to find a new normal, and now that I’ve found it, it’s time to share it…


22 Comments Add yours

  1. I am new to EOE – doesn’t sound like fun at all! Dairy is my enemy, but the good news is that there are many options/alternatives these days. I certainly wish you luck with this blog and look forward to your insights!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks!:) yes I’m so glad we live right now where there are a lot of options for dairy free!


  2. Hi, thank you for following my blog, one of my kids has severe dairy and nuts allergy, but she is ok with almond and walnut, this food elimination is somewhat challenging, but also give us more knowledge about what is on the food itself. Good luck with your journey. Glad we can share our story and recipes for this situation.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, for sure! I like how you call it a journey, so true.❤


  3. Hey there!
    Thanks for following my blog. I’ve never heard of this disease but kudos to you for making the most of it. Much like you, I hope my blog can be a resource & give voice to others with the same afflictions. Its so cool to connect with others navigating their own dietary issues. Keep writing & Ill definitely be reading.

    Best of luck to you on your journey!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks:) good luck with everything too:) there are so many people with so many different dietery needs and diseases etc, so great you are helping people too:)


  4. whatcantheyeat says:

    I’m so glad we connected! I’m so sorry you are dealing with all of this. Our daughter has FPIES to multiple foods along with food allergies which showed up on the skin test, and our son has a life threatening dairy allergy! Good luck with everything.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes you too! Glad to connect😊💗


  5. I’m glad you found and followed my blog! I clicked follow on yours immediately. Hopefully we can help each other out!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Sydney Foodie says:

    I have never heard of this reaction. I am looking forward to following your blog to find out more interesting things and recipes! btw did you hear that you can whip up the liquid that you usually throw away after opening a can of chick peas – it makes an egg white substitute that apparently can even make meringes! I am intrigued! I will try it one day but here is someone who did… http://itdoesnttastelikechicken.com/2015/07/05/vegan-meringue-cookies/

    Liked by 1 person

    1. hopeforeoe says:

      Oh nice! Thanks what a great idea!


  7. Kim Smyth says:

    I too have nev r heard of this but I feel like much of the Paleo and Gaps protocols would work for you. Good luck on your journey, and I would love to share recipes with each other!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. hopeforeoe says:

      Yes great, I’m always looking for new things I can eat and try:)

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Rebecca says:

    Thanks for stopping by my blog 🙂 It’s nice to meet you! I don’t have EoE, but I do have extensive food allergies that seem to be similar to what you can and can’t have. Let me know if you ever want to collaborate or need a shoutout on social media for a new post! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. hopeforeoe says:

      Sounds good:)

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Check out: https://cookandenjoyrecipes.wordpress.com/blogs-worth-following/
    If you wish to be a guest poster on our FOOD BLOG, feel free to email me your full recipe and picture/s @ cookandenjoyrecipes@gmail.com and give me a bit of background and I will do the post and link to your page. Please use the following as your email subject: “GUEST POST ON TRH BLOG”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. hopeforeoe says:

      Sounds great!:)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hope to hear from you via email

        Liked by 1 person

  10. Fascinating. I have never heard of EoE before, but the symptoms describe a family member. I’m excited to learn more. Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 2 people

  11. rachel says:

    I was happy to find your blog. My son is 12 and was diagnosed with EoE the day after his 12 th bday. We started a top 6 elimination before christmas. The first week of February we had to change it based on his patch testing. We have eliminated milk, wheat, barely, oats, turkey, coconut, corn, and potatoes. We have been able to add eggs and soy back in. He is ana to shellfish so we have eliminated them and fish, way before all of this came up. Cant wait to read more!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. hopeforeoe says:

      Nice to meet you, good luck with everything its hard sometimes, but you can do it!:)


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